Terrorists Arrest Terrorists for Terrorizing Wrong People

NATO terrorists agree to continue terrorizing the world while condemning everyone else as illegal terrorists.

A dangerous Occupy terrorist is seen in this picture terrorizing a wonderful policeman of our corporate overlords with his dangerous bare hands.

This week, terrorists from the organization NATO met in Chicago to discuss their continued terrorization of the nation known as Afghanistan. Meanwhile, just outside the meeting, terrorists from the organization Occupy Wall Street were protesting outside with signs and chants.

"Only terrorists that can blow up an entire country are allowed! Terrorists that have signs and cameras are criminals!" said one of NATO leaders.

Terrorists from NATO condemned the actions of the Occupy Wall Street terrorists. Police raided the homes of several members of the Occupy Wall Street terrorist group in preparation for their meeting this week. They found a lot of Occupy Wall Street terrorist paraphernalia including posters, signs, educational videos and government non-approved natural narcotics.

During the NATO meeting, NATO terrorists agreed to continue terrorizing Afghanistan among other countries already controlled by NATO, such as Iraq and Libya. They have also agreed to continuing supporting their terrorists in Syria against the Syrian leader that refuses to bend over to NATO's interests. They have also discussed the possibility of bombing the hell out of Iran even if it kills lots of children, again, so they can get their oil.

"Only terrorists that can blow up an entire country are allowed! Terrorists that have signs and cameras are criminals!" said one of NATO leaders.

Meanwhile, outside the meeting, several terrorists from Occupy Wall Street were arrested by the plutocrat-controlled police force for carrying signs, taking pictures, asking questions, demanding their rights and disturbing the beauty rest of the Queen.

The mainstream media continued to do a great job at covering the events like their corporate overlords requires them. The truth continues to be distorted to support the wishes of the NATO terrorists and ignore the wishes of the Occupy Wall Street terrorists, while branding them as "childish" and "lazy".

The mainstream terrorists continue to stress that only terrorism that benefits their self-serving interests and of their greedy bastard overlords is allowed and must be pre-approved by them with their seal of American FreedomTM terrorism. Every other terrorist who they disagree with must be criticized, condemned and squashed.

Our corporate overlords could not be reached for comment.


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