Report From Alien Anthropologist Found in Roswell

A manuscript written by an alien has been found in the middle of the Roswell desert by a passerby. The traveller, who was lost in the desert, recovered the strange manuscript written in a strange language. Eventually he found civilization and showed it to a friend who used to work for the secret service. His friend then translated it. What follows is the translated version of the manuscript.

Planet Name: Erth
Coordinates: Spiral Galaxy X1658; 3rd arm; 150 parsecs x, 59 parsecs y
Diagnosis: advanced parasitic infestation

Reports are confirmed that the planet in question is experiencing an advanced level of parasitic infestation. The species is currently incapable of interstellar space travel and, thus, does not represent a threat to our civilization.

Attempts have been made to contact and reason with the species. Contact could not be completed due to the barbaric nature of their centralized forms of organization, which prevented information to be freely distributed.

The species continue to absorb much of its environment without replenishing it. They appear to worship a deity which they call "The Economy", which they sacrifice their environment to. They also craft idols to this economy, which they call "money".

After much anthropological study, from residing with members of the species undercover, I have concluded that there is still a chance the species will fully understand their parasitic nature and change the course of their collective actions.

Prognosis: Guarded


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