Americans Celebrate the Discovery of Higgs Boson With Fireworks

Celebrations give hope that humans are finally turning to science, logic and objectivity for answers

In an astonishing turn of events, citizens across the US have started to celebrate the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle with fireworks. The celebrations started this 4th of July, soon after the evidence of the Higgs Boson was confirmed.

Scientists are very pleased with this new development. “Clearly, this shows that Americans are paying attention and are becoming less influenced by religion and propaganda, and are more influenced by science and objectivity” said a hopeful scientist.

In fact, #Higgs was the number one trend in twitter just the day before. This is a hopeful sign that science, logic and objectivity are finally becoming more acceptable in a world where jocks, cheerleaders and sheer stupidity are not only found to be acceptable, but even glorified.

Meanwhile, in Canada, scientists are planning to protest in their lab coats just in a few days. The protests are in response to Crime Minister Harper’s policies on silencing scientists and ignoring plain logic and common sense in favor of his pocketbook. Still, not all is lost, and the Canadian scientists are already hopeful that the science fever going on south of the border is going to soon catch on in Canada.

This last decade, across the planet, scientists have grown increasingly frustrated with the complete lack of logic from politicians and citizens alike. Many scientists were criticized when speaking about “climate change” and “evolution”, in the United Statesn and many other countries around the world. The celebrations over the discovery of the Higgs particle bring a small glimpse of hope for the future of mankind.

Scientists at CERN were very emotional over the celebrations “we too have been waiting for this day for a long time... many decades... and this day is finally here. Thank you everyone for the support!"

Check out our photostream of the new Higgs Boson Day (also known as “Independence Day”, for some reason)!

New York celebrates the discovery of Higgs

In this picture, the Higgs celebrates its own existence with subatomic fireworks

A redneck celebrates Higgs. So beautiful...


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