How Government House is wasting our money on royal visit


A lot of time and money is now being wasted at Government House to prepare for the arrival of Prince William, Kate, and their two young children, while BC residents struggle with the rising cost of living.

Never mind the homeless peasants outside, let’s shine the door knobs for these clearly superior human beings because they were born to the right parents, unlike most of us peasants.

“It is really great to spend millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to pamper people who are already pampered every day,” said the guy in charge of the preparations.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children, Prince George, 3, and Princess Charlotte, 1, will use Government House as their home base during an eight-day visit to British Columbia that begins Saturday.

They will have the massive property for themselves next week while the homeless peasants stay outside, as per usual.

The children are set to be insanely pampered in order to shield them from the reality of life on Earth for the vast majority of 7 billion people in preparation to clearly establish to them that they are superior to the peasants because monarchist tradition said so.

As for the meals, the Royal Family will, once again, be very well fed, unlike the hundreds of thousands of people on PWD and the millions of people struggling to just keep up with their bills while working 3 jobs at the same time.

But, not to worry. The Royal Family will be able to sit on their asses while they do absolutely nothing productive, while the peasants work their asses off and barely get enough to survive.

Here are some more general superficialities to make you relate to the Royal Family even though you have absolutely nothing truly in common with them other than general superficialities, but these general superficialities cloud your thinking, making you relate to them and give you a sense of pomp and circumstance, a sense that you yourself are a bit royal, even though you work way harder and get way less and really have absolutely nothing to do with the Royal Family. These are some general superficialities to make you accept the grossly unfair and outdated notion of royalty:

  • Spaghetti and meat sauce
  • BC Beer
  • Sandbox

Enjoy your Kraft dinner, plebs. This is very exciting; I can barely contain myself.

Emperor Harper Announces $10 Trillion Dollar Surplus, Proclaims Himself Lord of Economics

Canada for Sale

Earlier today, in an unprecedented move, Emperor Harper announced the greatest budget surplus in Canadian history - a whopping $10 trillion dollars.

"Clearly, our Great Leader is truly great and a master in economics, because he was able to achieve a $10 trillion budget surplus!" said Finance Minister Joe Oliver.

Back in April, our Great Leader achieved a $1.4 billion surplus by selling the government's remaining shares in General Motors, which were valued at $2.1 billion dollars. Without the sale, the budget would have had a $700 million dollar loss.

Despite the fake surplus and bribery checks sent to parents across the country, Harper's Corporate Party of Canada was still losing ground in the polls against the NDP.

Harper then decided he would extrapolate the trick and create a nice $10 trillion dollar fake surplus to make him look good for the elections. The new $10 trillion surplus was achieved through the sale of all Canada's assets including mountains, rivers, cities, the Parliament buildings and his hair insurance.

"Look at me! I'm the Lord of Economics!" proclaimed Emperor Harper.

Meanwhile, Canada lost another 6,400 jobs in June.


Congress Unanimously Approve Update to Lord's Prayer

[Captioned photo from Seth at The Thinking Atheist]
The American Empire's Congress just approved, unanimously, the new version of what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer, the most famous Christian prayer. The Republicans, who are significantly more Christian than the Democrats, were clearly overjoyed with the updated version.

John Boehner, leader of the Grand Old Party, as Republicans are often called, was particularly happy, saying that "the new Lord's prayer, now renamed "Our Great Corporate Overlords' Prayer", is far more in line with our biased version of Christianity than the old outdated version. This will make our hypocritical opportunistic political position a lot more clear!"

The new updated version follows:

"Our Great Corporate Overlords' Prayer

Our Corporate Overlords who are in your great mansions
Great is your power
You will conquer the whole planet
Your will must always be done
On all the Earth, just like in your mansions
Give us this day our daily GMO frankenbread that you avoid like the plague
And don't forgive our debts to your privately owned "public" central banks
As you never forgive debts anyways
Lead us into temptation, with marketing, to buy more of your shitty products
And never deliver us from all the evil you do and promote to us
For yours is the planet, the wealth and the profit
Forever and ever
Fuck you"

Pope Francis could not be reached for comment.

CSIS Detains Emperor Harper, Claims He Is Osama Bin Laden

In this declassified photo, you can clearly see Emperor
Harper on his fire-breathing unicorn
This morning, in an unprecedented twist of fate, CSIS stormed parliament and detained Emperor Harper, claiming that he is actually Osama Bin Laden in disguise.

This is not the first time Emperor Harper broke his own legislation as he previously promoted terrorism on his Facebook pageReports also link Islamic State recruiter to Canadian Embassy in Jordan.

Clearly all this information leads to the conclusion that Emperor Harper is actually Osama Bin Laden in disguise.

According to new legislation, all that CSIS, our trustworthy secret police, needs to do to imprison anyone is to simply claim that they have reasonable grounds to believe that such person will possibility commit terrorism in general at any given moment regardless of actual evidence. In addition,  they may refrain from giving anyone, other than a secret court, any evidence, due to "national security concerns".

In largely redacted documents obtained through a Freedom from Intellect (FFI) request, CSIS agents discuss the possibility that Harper is going to order his army of fire breathing unicorns to attack Canada.

CSIS could not be reached for comment regarding the possibility that Emperor Harper was planning on sending fire breathing unicorns to attack Peace Tower, CN tower and other phallic Canadian buildings, however they reassured us that they can't know for certain it will not happen and, thus, the possibility is "reasonable", which gives them the grounds required to preventively detain Harper.

Luckily for Harper, his latest legislation on security certificates, bill C-3, allows for the appointment of a "special advocate", a special person who can see the secret evidence but never talk about it, which is, clearly, certainly bound to make this entire process a lot more fair for Emperor Harper.

For the moment, Canada can breath a sigh of relief as our illustrious secret service finally figure out that our dear illustrious leader, Emperor Harper, is Osama Bin Laden, and, for the moment, in a sweet taste of freedom, we can be at peace knowing that we are finally safe.

Record Number of Deaths from Terrorism in 2014 Justifies Destruction of Civil Rights and Liberties


Watch out for this kind of nefarious suspicious activity!
Last year, a whopping 2 people died from terrorists attacks in Canada, breaking all previous records. In comparison, 13,283 died from stroke, 47,627 died from heart attacks, and 1,005 died from workplace injuries, making death by terrorism clearly the most urgent and dangerous cause of death in Canada.

Government experts, handsomely paid by Emperor Harper, say that the legislation, which establishes a secret police, secret court system, preventative detentions based on suspicion and free speech, and give CSIS the power to disrupt any free assembly of people as it pleases, is absolutely necessary to protect the Canadian people and prevent another incident where Emperor Harper is forced to get into his secret dirty maintenance closet hiding spot.

The legislation was supported by Conservatives and Liberals, including the handsome leader of the Liberal Party, Prince Trudeau. Prince Trudeau hopes to dethrone Emperor Harper, become King of Canada and, clearly, continue Harper's legacy.

Some ignorant experts, including several constitutional lawyers and law professors, have raised alarm that the bill endangers Canadian rights and freedoms too much. Government experts urge us not to be alarmed, as the bill does not give the government the right to kill Canadians at random, as this amendment is being saved for after Emperor Harper is reinstated Emperor of Harperland after the 2015's fair "elections".

The legislation introduced in the House of Commons is aimed at targeting the most dangerous forms of terrorists. According to the RCMP, those terrorists include First Nations people and eco-terrorists who protect the environment. If you see any suspicious activity such as a neighbour planting a tree or growing food, the Harper government urges you to call the terrorist phone line to report them.

Be very afraid.

More links:

Ethical Oil Officially Rebrands Itself to “Gentle Killings”


After a lot of bad publicity for Enbridge and Ethical Oil over the past few months, Ethical Oil announced today, to much fanfare, that it is rebranding itself to “Gentle Killings”.

Emperor Harper, from the Corporatist Party of Canada, or CPC for short, has applauded the move, saying that it will make the corrupt organization sound different enough to distract anyone who is not paying attention.

It is normal for corrupt corporate plutocrat-funded organizations to go through periods of very bad publicity. When that happens, they often decide to rebrand themselves.

“Rebranding is basically repackaging a smelly turd into something more appealing because too many people have unwrapped its regular packaging and discovered it is a turd,” says a marketing expert for corporations and pro-corporate non-profits.

“Emperor Harper, from the Corporatist Party of Canada, or CPC for short, has applauded the move, saying that it will make the corrupt organization sound different enough to distract anyone who is not paying attention.”

The plutocrats decided to rebrand Ethical Oil to “Gentle Killings” because their oil completely destroys the environment and slowly kills people in communities where the oil is extracted from. As such, the name “Gentle Killings” is very fitting, as the oil only kills “gently”, not harshly, like the evil terrorist oil of other countries.

On the same day, Gentle Killings has denounced Tides Canada, the evil charity that is trying to protect our environment, of laundering money. Tides Canada welcomed the audits of its books. In response, Gentle Killings refused to provide details of its funding sources.

Enbridge has also announced that they are brainstorming new brand names to cover up its tarnished reputation. The brand name “Envirokill” is currently winning.

The founder of Gentle Killings, Alykhan Velshi, who is now a senior official in Emperor Harper’s office, could not be reached for comment.

Report From Alien Anthropologist Found in Roswell


A manuscript written by an alien has been found in the middle of the Roswell desert by a passerby. The traveller, who was lost in the desert, recovered the strange manuscript written in a strange language. Eventually he found civilization and showed it to a friend who used to work for the secret service. His friend then translated it. What follows is the translated version of the manuscript.

Planet Name: Erth
Coordinates: Spiral Galaxy X1658; 3rd arm; 150 parsecs x, 59 parsecs y
Diagnosis: advanced parasitic infestation

Reports are confirmed that the planet in question is experiencing an advanced level of parasitic infestation. The species is currently incapable of interstellar space travel and, thus, does not represent a threat to our civilization.

Attempts have been made to contact and reason with the species. Contact could not be completed due to the barbaric nature of their centralized forms of organization, which prevented information to be freely distributed.

The species continue to absorb much of its environment without replenishing it. They appear to worship a deity which they call "The Economy", which they sacrifice their environment to. They also craft idols to this economy, which they call "money".

After much anthropological study, from residing with members of the species undercover, I have concluded that there is still a chance the species will fully understand their parasitic nature and change the course of their collective actions.

Prognosis: Guarded
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