How Government House is wasting our money on royal visit


A lot of time and money is now being wasted at Government House to prepare for the arrival of Prince William, Kate, and their two young children, while BC residents struggle with the rising cost of living.

Never mind the homeless peasants outside, let’s shine the door knobs for these clearly superior human beings because they were born to the right parents, unlike most of us peasants.

“It is really great to spend millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to pamper people who are already pampered every day,” said the guy in charge of the preparations.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children, Prince George, 3, and Princess Charlotte, 1, will use Government House as their home base during an eight-day visit to British Columbia that begins Saturday.

They will have the massive property for themselves next week while the homeless peasants stay outside, as per usual.

The children are set to be insanely pampered in order to shield them from the reality of life on Earth for the vast majority of 7 billion people in preparation to clearly establish to them that they are superior to the peasants because monarchist tradition said so.

As for the meals, the Royal Family will, once again, be very well fed, unlike the hundreds of thousands of people on PWD and the millions of people struggling to just keep up with their bills while working 3 jobs at the same time.

But, not to worry. The Royal Family will be able to sit on their asses while they do absolutely nothing productive, while the peasants work their asses off and barely get enough to survive.

Here are some more general superficialities to make you relate to the Royal Family even though you have absolutely nothing truly in common with them other than general superficialities, but these general superficialities cloud your thinking, making you relate to them and give you a sense of pomp and circumstance, a sense that you yourself are a bit royal, even though you work way harder and get way less and really have absolutely nothing to do with the Royal Family. These are some general superficialities to make you accept the grossly unfair and outdated notion of royalty:

  • Spaghetti and meat sauce
  • BC Beer
  • Sandbox

Enjoy your Kraft dinner, plebs. This is very exciting; I can barely contain myself.

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