Congress Unanimously Approve Update to Lord's Prayer

[Captioned photo from Seth at The Thinking Atheist]
The American Empire's Congress just approved, unanimously, the new version of what is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer, the most famous Christian prayer. The Republicans, who are significantly more Christian than the Democrats, were clearly overjoyed with the updated version.

John Boehner, leader of the Grand Old Party, as Republicans are often called, was particularly happy, saying that "the new Lord's prayer, now renamed "Our Great Corporate Overlords' Prayer", is far more in line with our biased version of Christianity than the old outdated version. This will make our hypocritical opportunistic political position a lot more clear!"

The new updated version follows:

"Our Great Corporate Overlords' Prayer

Our Corporate Overlords who are in your great mansions
Great is your power
You will conquer the whole planet
Your will must always be done
On all the Earth, just like in your mansions
Give us this day our daily GMO frankenbread that you avoid like the plague
And don't forgive our debts to your privately owned "public" central banks
As you never forgive debts anyways
Lead us into temptation, with marketing, to buy more of your shitty products
And never deliver us from all the evil you do and promote to us
For yours is the planet, the wealth and the profit
Forever and ever
Fuck you"

Pope Francis could not be reached for comment.

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